Fifa 16 Fhl Editor


Hello Beta thank you for all your knowledge and work! I have spent months trying to edit the player growth in career mode and I have some things I don’t understand: In playergrowth.ini I don’t understand why they have YOUNG OLD and NORMAL curves because each curve has values for all ages so it doesn’t really make sense to me. What is the relationship between the separate curves and which players do they apply to in Career Mode. Also I have tested a lot with the values in playergrowth.ini including making the values of all Mental over the age of 30 100 but still when the player reaches 30 years old they have a decline. I feel like there is something else in the equation of player growth that I am missing and I am not sure what it is.

I searched through the.exe strings and I see things like “playergrowthmanager” so I am wondering if there is something that is built into the program that also plays into the growth system that causes the players to decrease at a certain age. I am really interested in any knowledge you may have on the player growth.ini and in general thank you for your time.

Download FIFA 15 FHL-BH Editor Tools v2.0.0.0 by Bernd NEW FEATURES: – all BH files from FIFA included (not just the main directory) – included command line parser Command-Line syntax: FHL-BH-Editor.exe available values: care = regenerate (take care of extern files) ignore = regenerate (ignore extern files) name of the bh-file without extension or the string “all”, if you want to regenerate all files with the selected option. You can get a developer key via E-Mail or private message, if you send Bernd an url to your patch-thread. Example: FHL-BH-Editor.exe YOUR_KEY care data_audio1_extra or FHL-BH-Editor.exe YOUR_KEY ignore all DESCRIPTION: With the FHL-BH-Editor you can see, which files of the fifa-big-files are activated in the bh-files (fifa will not look after them in the folders) and wich files are deactivated (fifa will look after them in the folders). You can activate and deactivate them with checkboxes by easy. Anyway there are two buttons: Regenerate all bh-files with and without looking after the extern files in the directories. Further there are two buttons to do the same thing but only for a selected bh-file, not for all (works much faster and can be usefull if you edited files of only one big file).

The fifa-main-path will be read out automaticly like in all tools made by MyFHL-Editing, so you have not to change it. DOWNLOAD LINK.

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Fifa 16 Fhl Editor

B) Run file ModdingWayInstaller.exe from your FIFA 16 main folder ( Run as administrator ) b) Ready.